Financial Structuring

Connecting institutional and strategic investors to low carbon energy investments

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Cultivating long-term relationships

Renewable Energy Investments Commercialization Square

At Advanced Power, we leverage our strengths in risk mitigation and value maximization to bring together some of the world’s biggest institutional and strategic investors. Through careful cultivation of these relationships, our investment partners invest with us again and again, and bring new investors to the table as well.

Our commitment to complete transparency in our communication builds trust and long-term relationships

We are aligned.

At Advanced Power we invest in development teams, tax equity and operating assets. Advanced Power is privately owned and our board of directors maintains the majority ownership of the company.   

We are long-term investors in our projects and therefore are aligned with our investment partners.

Making a difference.

It takes bold goals to spark a better day. Our fundamental goal is to maximize the generation of clean energy and to minimize carbon emissions. Working toward this goal helps make every day at Advanced Power an exhilarating adventure.


37,592,195 megawatt-hours of clean energy produced


41,000,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided


2,681,818 equivalent homes supplied with power


$5 billion equity and debt capital raised


1,196,503 equivalent passenger vehicle emissions removed (last 12 months)

Cultivate a long-term, profitable relationship.

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